Membership Info

Membership is currently open and new members are very welcome.

Application forms for membership may be obtained by downloading the form using the link below, calling the clubhouse (329-6710), or sending an e-mail to

Applications for membership are considered at the meetings of the Club Committee (2nd Monday of each month).

Membership Fees below include GST and are effective 1 October. (Members joining after 1 October pay pro-rata amounts at quarterly rests)

Membership Categories

Men’s and Women’s Full Membership

This is the full membership category at Tai Tapu Golf. The recognised playing days for Full members are Tuesdays for the women and Saturdays for the men. Full women members who cannot play Tuesdays are allotted regular playing tee times on Saturday mornings. Full members may also play in Mid-Week Group competitions.

Mid-Week Membership

As the category name states, Mid-Week members’ playing is restricted to Monday thru Friday. (Excepting Tuesdays during the ladies organised games). The playing day for the Mid-Week Group is Wednesday.

Nine Hole Membership

 This category of membership is for both Men & Women who  will play nine holes only on any given  day 

Student under 18/Junior Membership

These members shall be under 18 years of age at the commencement of the Financial Year. Promising players under 18 years of age may apply to the Committee to play in Club competitions.

Complimentary Membership

Complimentary memberships are awarded to those members who, in the view of the Club Committee, provide special services to the Club or whose employment contracts so provide.

Social/Non-Playing Membership

These members are those who being unable for any reason, to be able to play but who wish to retain their close association with the Club and to use the clubhouse and to play on the course upon payment of green fees the same as those payable by casual players.

Honorary Life Membership

This is conferred on members who have made an outstanding contribution to the well-being and running of the Club over many years.

Membership Fees From 1st October 2024

Full Men’s Membership $550/annum
Full Women’s Membership $520/annum
Mid-Week Membership $470/annum
 9 Hole Membership $470/annum
Under 18/Junior Membership $100/annum
Social/Non-Playing membership $55/annum

Entrance Fee - $50

Payable by new members who have never belonged to a golf club affiliated to the New Zealand Golf association. It is not payable by golfers transferring from another club.

Any member who has not paid the sub by the end of November will be resigned from the Club and DotGolf.

Club Rules 

The Club is managed by Rules, By-Laws and Codes of Conduct  which are available from these links:

Tai Tapu Club By Laws

Tai Tapu Club Rules

TTGC Committee Code of Conduct

TTGC Members Conduct & Disciplinary Policy

Membership Forms

Download Membership Form

Online Membership Form